Booking now!

151220_programme_back_coverBefore you spend all your spare cash on the post-Christmas sales, don’t forget to order your tickets for our 2016 show! Our stellar cast and orchestra will be waiting for you at the Carnegie Hall, Dunfermline, at 7.30pm every night from Wednesday 24 February to Saturday 27 February, with a Saturday matinée at 2.30pm. Tickets for most performances are £12 (£11 concession), and £16 (£15) on the Friday evening.

G&S is entertainment for the whole family, and we’re encouraging this by having a £5 concession ticket for children, and a £30 family ticket (two adults + two children) for all performances except the Friday evening.

You can download a flier by clicking the image, find a seating plan at this link, and order tickets using this form either through members or by post. Or email Anne Dolbear, our ticket manager at

Next appearance

Your next chance to see the Society on stage at Carnegie Hall, Dunfermline will be on 13–15 February 2025 for the première run of The Jury’s Out.

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