
An invitation from Jack

Jack Archibald is one of our star members! He can be relied on to be cheerful, is an energetic performer, and (very important to the rest of the team!) is the proprietor of “Jack’s Caff”, providing interval refreshment throughout the period of preparation and especially in the Gents dressing room during show week. For our anniversary production, Jack plays Samuel, the Pirate King’s trusty lieutenant. As he explains in this video, this is taking him out of his comfort zone, but he’s up for it, and enjoying the rehearsals (as everyone is), and invites you to come and see us all on stage!

Hail, Poetry!

The Pirates of Penzance has some great music, and this is one of the set pieces that we always enjoy. It’s the chorus responding to the Pirate King’s “What, we ask, is life without a touch of Poetry in it?

Hail, Poetry, thou heav’n-born maid!
Thou gildest e’en the pirate’s trade.
Hail, flowing fount of sentiment!
All hail, divine emollient!

The recording was taken at one of our September music rehearsals … we’ll soon be without books and on the floor!

Welcome aboard!

Did you see these guys in the Kingsgate Centre last Saturday? On stage right is Morag, our Chair; on stage left is Anne, our Finance Manager. Anne doubles as Ticket Sales Manager, so she’s the one who you need to speak to soon, to get your choice of tickets for what will be a great show! Phone our ticket hot-line on 07703 483083 or email ticketsales@dgass.org.uk.

About to launch!

Incredible as it seems to those who started work on HMS Pinafore back in August, Show Week is now next week, with our first performance at Carnegie Hall at 7.30pm next Thursday, 20 February.

Our gallant crew – ladies as well as men – tried on their costumes on Wednesday, and were well pleased. As will you be when you buy your tickets (head for this post for how to do that) and see the brilliant overall effect on the stage – 18 orchestral players in the pit (plus Eddie, of course!), 8 dancers and 32 crew members.


After you’ve made that bargain purchase, take a look at our Facebook page for more pictures of our crew in rehearsal action.

It’s ticket time!

The launch date for HMS Pinafore is fast approaching, and it’s time to get your tickets for what promises to be a very lively show, which is on at the Carnegie Hall, Dunfermline, from Thursday to Saturday 20–22 February, evenings at 7.30pm and a Saturday matinée at 2.30pm. Tickets for all performances are £15, with the usual concessions at £14, and £5 for under-16s.

There are five ways to do it:

  1. Talk to any Society member!
  2. Phone our ticket hot-line on 07703 483083
  3. Email ticketsales@dgass.org.uk
  4. Print off a flier (at this link), and send your order to HMS Pinafore Ticket Office, 57 The Bridges, Dalgety Bay, KY11 9XZ (cheques payable to “Dunfermline G&S Society”)
  5. At Carnegie Hall, in person, by phone on 01383 602302, or on-line at this link.

The seating plan for this show is at this link. Don’t forget when ordering tickets that you have to decide whether you want seats in the balcony or stalls! And that we won’t know if you have any special requirements unless you tell us …

Act I beginners …

The call has come, so it’s time for the team to run the first act of HMS Pinafore. Thanks to Mike Pendlowski for taking his camera to our rehearsal on 27 November. You’ll see the company enjoying themselves, and the characters taking shape. No prize for working out who is playing Dick Deadeye!


To share their enjoyment, and see the cast in costume, you’ll need to make a date to see our show in February.

PS: The slide show runs automatically through the act, but pauses if you hover over the image. Forward/back arrows are hidden near the sides of the image and the filmstrip at the bottom.

Next appearance

Your next chance to see the Society on stage at Carnegie Hall, Dunfermline will be on 13–15 February 2025 for the première run of The Jury’s Out.

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