New Committee

Thanks to everyone who attended last night’s AGM. Minutes will be available in due course, but we felt you would want to know about the Committee appointments – members serve for two years, so half the Committee retired by rotation.

Joy Campbell (left) becomes our Chairman in succession to George Alexander, who has wielded the gavel presented by Bill Tulloch to mark our 25th anniversary at the last eight AGMs. Grateful thanks to George for all the work he has put in so cheerfully during his time as our leader, and best wishes to Joy.

Sinead having been transferred to other duties (see below), her place as our Administration Manager has been taken by Ellen Patrick (right). Welcome aboard!

As well as these new faces, we reappointed members to four committee positions. Anne Dolbear (left) remains as Finance Manager and Ticket Sales Manager, and John Allen remains Programme Manager.

Sinead Williams (right) has transferred to the newly-created post of Social and Fund-Raising Manager. As it says in the new Clause 6h of the revised Constitution we adopted last night, Sinead will be “responsible for maintaining the social life of the Society, and for arranging such fund-raising activities as she deems suitable… and … will be on the lookout for new fund-raising opportunities and for ways to maximise the fund-raising potential of the Society’s existing activities.” The task couldn’t have gone to a better person!

Other members of the committee remain in post: there’s a full list at this link,

Next appearance

Your next chance to see the Society on stage at Carnegie Hall, Dunfermline will be on 13–15 February 2025 for the première run of The Jury’s Out.

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