We announced earlier, following the auditions, that “almost all the parts in our February 2022 production have been cast”. Since when we’ve had a postponement, and inevitably some of those who hoped to take part are not available for the May dates. However, we do have a full cast, as listed below, and wish everyone well as they prepare for what will be an exciting show with a difference:

 King HildebrandMartin Tarr 
(his son)
Alex Gunn
CyrilNathan MacAulay-Dicks

        (Hilarion’s friends)
Matthew Sielewicz-Stanhope
King GamaGordon Horne
AracZorbey Turkalp
GuronAndrew Campbell

        (his sons)
Paul Graham
Princess Ida
(Gama’s daughter)
Gillian Robertson
Lady Blanche
(Professor of Abstract Science)
Liz Landsman
Lady Psyche
(Professor of Humanities)
Susanne Horsburgh
(Lady Blanche’s daughter)
Sinead Black
SacharissaRachel Allan
ChloeMorag Riley

        (Girl graduates)
Clare White

Next appearance

Your next chance to see the Society on stage at Carnegie Hall, Dunfermline will be on 13–15 February 2025 for the première run of The Jury’s Out.

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