Rehearsal aids for the ladies!

Eddie has produced some rehearsal aids for the ladies numbers in Act 2 so that you can “sail over life’s treacherous sea” with improved accuracy!

Act 2 No. 2 “Happily coupled are we” – 1st soprano vocal line

Act 2 No. 2 “Happily coupled are we” – 2nd soprano vocal line

Act 2 No. 2 “Happily coupled are we” – alto vocal line

Act 2 No. 3 “In bygone days” – 1st soprano vocal line

Act 2 No. 3 “In bygone days” – 2nd soprano vocal line

Act 2 No. 3 “In bygone days” – altoo vocal line

Next appearance

Your next chance to see the Society on stage at Carnegie Hall, Dunfermline will be on 13–15 February 2025 for the première run of The Jury’s Out.

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