Alex Gunn

Alex Gunn is pleased to be returning to the stage after an all-too-long pandemic-enforced hiatus, and hopes he can impart that sense of joy and release to his audience today. His portrayal of Hilarion marks the next stage of filling out all the spaces on his G&S romantic leads bingo card, having wowed observers as Frederic in The Pirates of Penzance, Alexis in The Sorcerer, and most recently as Nanki-Poo in DGASS’s The Mikado in 2018.

While he’s grown fond of Princess Ida’s musical delights, pleasingly ludicrous plotline and ham-handed political commentary, he will admit the main selling point was the opportunity to wear ladies’ clothing onstage, and he hopes you’ll be sufficiently charmed by his feminine wiles (facial hair and all). He assures attending feminists that any jibes against womenkind made in the course of the show are merely the result of his impeccable acting ability.

[from the 2022 programme]

Appearances with Dunfermline Gilbert & Sullivan Society

2022Princess IdaHilarion
2018The MikadoNanki-Poo

Next appearance

Your next chance to see the Society on stage at Carnegie Hall, Dunfermline will be on 12–14 February 2026 in a sparkling production of Patience.

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