If you missed Iolanthe

We look forward to returning to the Carnegie Hall on 13–15 February 2025 with another sparkling production and hope to see you there!

Following the success of Iolanthe, our next show is The Jury’s Out, a different take on G&S created by our own Linda D Milne. Take a look at the flier at this link … further details will be under wraps until the show, but we can assure you that they’re exciting.

If joining us on stage appeals, then book the afternoon of Sunday 19 May, and join us for the workshop at Limekilns, when all will be revealed, and you’ll be able to release the inner Thespian! To register an interest, please drop Ellen an email.

In the Press!

Do head to your local outlet and buy a copy of this week’s (7 March) Dunfermline Press! Apart from the usual local news – and the paper is always interesting – this week on p26 you’ll find a full-page spread about our production of Iolanthe, illustrated with some excellent photographs by Dave Wardle. Rave reviews! It’s the same positive article about the Society that you’ll find at this link, but it’ll fit more easily in your scrapbook!

We loved it!

Iolanthe was great fun for everyone, whether in the audience, in the orchestra pit, on the stage or behind the scenes, and we’re all sad that it’s over. In due course there will be a show archive page: meanwhile, you can enjoy reading the programme which will reveal a great deal about Michael Scott’s fresh vision for our production, a play-within-a-play, where the villagers of “Thanolie” meet at the village hall during an unexpected clash of bookings. The ladies of the Women’s Institute, having been inspired by the members of the dance class to discover their “fairy selves”, enlist their men-folk, and act out the story that Gilbert devised, though with some of the lyrics adapted to poke fun at more modern events and people.

Next appearance

Your next chance to see the Society on stage at Carnegie Hall, Dunfermline will be on 13–15 February 2025 for the première run of The Jury’s Out.

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