
Many amateur music societies have found this last year a challenge. No opportunities to perform in front of a live audience, while at the same time also being unable to meet together to sing.

Dunfermline Gilbert and Sullivan Society, along with many others, have tried to meet these challenges by using platforms like Zoom to keep in touch. Throughout the last year we’ve been having social evenings most Wednesdays, with musical content, albeit singing muted, and we were able to produce a virtual pantomime in March.

A virtual Mikado has been our latest production, where we used a combination of talented principals and chorus along with the technical wizardry of some of our  members.

We invite to join us in this venture and if you would like to support us in our future productions, please give through our JustGiving page. We are a registered Scottish charity, so don’t forget to tick the Gift Aid box if you are able.

Next appearance

Your next chance to see the Society on stage at Carnegie Hall, Dunfermline will be on 13–15 February 2025 for the première run of The Jury’s Out.

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