A chance to sing Princess Ida

Are you one of those with fond memories of performing a semi-staged version of Princess Ida in 2012. Or did you miss out? Either way, as you’ll read in the post on our home page, there’s an opportunity to enjoy Rae’s production from the inside next February.

Details are still to be finalised, but one possibility discussed is to have a technical rehearsal on Thursday 17 February, with a dress rehearsal the next day and two performances on Saturday 19 February.

We need chorus and soloists, and this is an excellent opportunity for people new to G&S to get involved, as well as giving experienced performers the chance to participate in a fantastic operetta that’s not performed as much as the others. Ask around your musical friends and involve folk from other societies.

We will be rehearsing the music at 7.30pm on Wednesdays, starting on 25 August. Do come along to our new rehearsal venue, which is Limekilns Parish Church (8 Church Street, Limekilns KY11 3HT). You won’t have to knock on the front door, as it will be left open for ventilation!

Parking at the rear of the church is now limited, but there is plenty of parking either in front of the church or at the green on the front, access through Church Lane. If anyone is coming by public transport, we can arrange transport from Inverkeithing/Ferry Toll.

Note that you will be able to borrow a vocal score if you do not have one, and that, in common with other musical groups, we shall expect members to wear masks when moving around and to use sanitising gel. Before you come, do please read this linked document for guidance on what we’ve done to keep you safe and the part you’ve to play.

It’s a new venue, it’s a different opera, and these are strange times, but two things that won’t change are the welcome that you’ll get and the fun you’ll have.

Next appearance

Your next chance to see the Society on stage at Carnegie Hall, Dunfermline will be on 12–14 February 2026 in a sparkling production of Patience.

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