Adam Cuerden


Adam directed All-In-One Productions’ 2016 Edinburgh Festival Fringe production of Ages Ago, and also played the parts of the Steward and Mr Brown. Ages Ago is Gilbert’s first opera in which paintings come to life, and Adam is constantly being reminded of it, because Ruddigore keeps stealing jokes from the earlier show. Next year, All-In-One intend to put on Gilbert’s work from about a year after that, A Sensation Novel, which has a character named Sir Ruthven, and a plot in which all the stock characters of melodramatic works are parodied!

Adam has also played The Judge in a rock version of Trial by Jury. He came to us from the choruses of EDGAS and Cat-Like Tread, and has featured in the men’s chorus in our recent productions of The Yeomen of the Guard and The Gondoliers.

[from the 2017 programme]

Appearances with Dunfermline Gilbert & Sullivan Society

2017RuddigoreGhost of a Murgatroyd
2016The Yeomen of the GuardChorus
2015The GondoliersChorus

Next appearance

Your next chance to see the Society on stage at Carnegie Hall, Dunfermline will be on 13–15 February 2025 for the première run of The Jury’s Out.

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