Colin Stubbs


Colin Stubbs first became involved in G&S at the tender age of 12, when his mother (a chorus member) volunteered him for the part of Midshipman in HMS Pinafore. He took his first principal part ten years later in Yeomen of the Guard, and during the ten years following was very active with both West Manchester AOS and Trafford Margaretians AOS, taking part in four shows most years!

Colin first performed with the Dunfermline G&S Society in 1973, shortly after it was formed: the show was The Gondoliers, and he played Giuseppe. This was followed in 1974 and 1975 by those two cracking G&S parts, Major-General Stanley in Pirates of Penzance and Lord Chancellor in Iolanthe.

From 1975 until 1996, Colin belonged first to the Kirkcaldy G&S Society and then to the Edinburgh University Savoy Opera Group. On his return to the Dunfermline G&S Society, Colin played Colonel Calverley in Patience, Wilfred Shadbolt in Yeomen of the Guard, and John Wellington Wells in The Sorcerer, before playing Lord Chancellor again in 2003, and appearing once more (with his beloved sword!) as Major-General Stanley in 2006. In 2007 Colin played the Duke of Plaza-Toro in The Gondoliers, in 2008 he took the part of Sir Joseph Porter in HMS Pinafore and in 2012 he triumphed as the Lord Chancellor in Iolanthe.

Colin is well-known in Dunfermline, having performed in many shows other than G&S, and was even seen as a most convincing Fagin in Oliver. Colin is now retired as a maths teacher, but is still active on the stage. In fact, he says that he “hasn’t stopped since leaving University”. If he is ever tempted to stop, help is at hand . .. as the Duchess of Plaza‑Toro put it in our 2007 show: “If your father should stop, it will, of course, be necessary to wind him up”!

[from the 2013 programme]

Appearances with Dunfermline Gilbert & Sullivan Society

2012Princess IdaKing Gama
2012IolantheLord Chancellor
2011The MikadoPish-Tush
2010The SorcererNotary
2009The Yeomen of the GuardChorus
2008HMS PinaforeSir Joseph Porter KCB
2007The GondoliersThe Duke of Plaza-Toro
2006The Pirates of PenzanceMajor-General Stanley
2003IolantheLord Chancellor
2002The Yeomen of the GuardWilfred Shadbolt
2001The SorcererJohn Wellington Wells
2000La Vie ParisienneBaron Gondremarck
1998PatienceColonel Calverley
1997The Pirates of PenzanceSergeant of Police
1975IolantheLord Chancellor
1974The Pirates of PenzanceMajor-General Stanley
1973The GondoliersGiuseppe

Next appearance

Your next chance to see the Society on stage at Carnegie Hall, Dunfermline will be on 12–14 February 2026 in a sparkling production of Patience.

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