Martin Tarr

Martin Tarr is delighted to be part of the team bringing Linda’s exciting vision to the Carnegie stage, combining as it does for him two previous roles of Old Adam and Usher. He much enjoys working with such youthful and talented company!

Martin discovered G&S whilst at school, but didn’t get a taste for the theatre until the 1970s, taking principal roles in Devon and Berkshire before matrimony and fatherhood intervened. He still vividly recalls the hot and heavy padding and “Mikado yellow” Pancake make‑up then needed for what became his all-time favourite role of Pooh‑Bah. Later, in Dunfermline, Martin “maintained a low profile” until enticed into DGASS in 1998. Roles other than Pooh‑Bah have included Don Alhambra in The Gondoliers, the Earl of Mountararat in Iolanthe, Major Murgatroyd in Patience, Sir Richard Cholmondeley in The Yeomen of the Guard and most recently Sergeant of Police in The Pirates of Penzance.

Having always belonged to choirs that tackle challenging repertoire, and with a taste for a cappella music, especially madrigals, Martin has been a regular member of the Scottish Chamber Choir since 1991.

[from the 2025 programme]

Appearances with Dunfermline Gilbert & Sullivan Society

2025The Jury’s OutAdam:
Village handyman (Act 1)
Court usher (Act 2)
2023The Pirates of PenzanceSergeant of Police
2022Princess IdaKing Hildebrand
2021Zoom MikadoPooh-Bah
2018The MikadoPish-Tush
2016The Yeomen of the GuardSir Richard Cholmondeley
2013PatienceMajor Murgatroyd
2012Princess IdaKing Hildebrand
2012IolantheLord Mountararat
2011The MikadoPooh-Bah
2010Trial by JuryForeman of the Jury
2010The SorcererChorus
2009The Yeomen of the GuardSir Richard Cholmondeley
2007The GondoliersDon Alhambra del Bolero
2006The Pirates of PenzanceSergeant of Police
2005RuddigoreOld Adam
2004Trial by JuryUsher
2004The MikadoPooh-Bah
2003IolantheLord Mountararat
2002The ZooGrinder
2002The Yeomen of the GuardSir Richard Cholmondeley
2000Cox and BoxSergeant Bouncer
1999The GondoliersDon Alhambra del Bolero

Next appearance

Your next chance to see the Society on stage at Carnegie Hall, Dunfermline will be on 12–14 February 2026 in a sparkling production of Patience.

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