Audition Pieces for “Gondoliers”
However, the part of Luiz has yet to be filled. More auditions will be held when people come forward.
Auditions for “Gondoliers”
Cromlit’s Lilt Concert
Sandy Saddler
The Society will be sad to learn of the passing of Sandy Saddler.
Apart from his family, Sandy’s life was his piano and his music and some members of the Society will have been fortunate enough to have performed under his direction and with his accompaniment.
Many of you may also have been taught by Sandy as he was head of the Music Department at Woodmill High School for most of his life in education and for those of you who sang with the Woodmill Singers, he spent many years with that accomplished group as well.
Sandy’s principal talent was his piano playing and I know that I will miss hearing him practise and entertain. He will be sorely missed.
The funeral will be at Dunfermline Crematorium at 10.00 a.m. on Wednesday 6th August, and thereafter at the Pitbauchlie House Hotel.
John Allen
Kirkcaldy G & S Concert
Kirkcaldy Gilbert & Sullivan Society are holding their 75th Anniversary Concert on Friday June 6th at 7:30 p.m. in the Old Kirk, Kirk Wynd, Kirkcaldy. Tickets cost £10. For tickets, click here.
For more information, see