Cast list announced

We are thrilled to announce our principal cast for The Mikado (22–24 February 2018).  It’s a mix of old friends and new faces, all looking forward to bringing the town of Titipu to life on the stage of the Carnegie Hall. Our former President George Alexander will be exercising his committee experience as Pooh-Bah, the very important town official, ably assisted by Martin Tarr as Pish-Tush. Sinead Black reprises the role of Peep-Bo, and we welcome Lindsey Cotter and Katy Williamson as Yum-Yum and Pitti-Sing to complete the classic Three Little Maids line-up. Alex Gunn wanders our way as the dashing tenor lead Nanki-Poo, pursued by His Royal Highness The Mikado of Japan, played by Matthew Sielewicz. Susanne Horsburgh and Robin Ozog complete the line-up, driving the action as Katisha and KoKo.

It’s going to be a busy few months for the Society as we put together a vibrant Mikado, with some unexpected twists and turns. The chorus of Ladies and Gentlemen of Japan are already being put through their paces by MD Eddie Maclennan and Director Rae Lamond. We already can’t wait to show you when we hit the stage next year.

Next appearance

Your next chance to see the Society on stage at Carnegie Hall, Dunfermline will be on 13–15 February 2025 for the première run of The Jury’s Out.

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