Characters from Facebook (7)

Robin Oakapple

Another wonderful night here in Rederring! If you’ve missed it so far … how could you miss this wee face?

Shy, diffident, modest, retiring little Robin Oakapple is a rich gentleman farmer in the halcyon village of Rederring. But … that wee face. Butter wouldn’t melt. Except … he is hiding a terrible, life-altering secret!!

What could it be?! Find out at the Carnegie Hall in Dunfermline! Dunfermline G&S Society’s production of Gilbert & Sullivan’s Ruddigore runs until 25 February, at 7.30pm on both remaining nights, plus a 2.30pm matinee tomorrow. Tickets available from our ticket hot-line (07703 483083), the Carnegie Hall Box Office (01383 602302) or book on-line at this link.

[You can read about all our Facebook characters at this link]

Next appearance

Your next chance to see the Society on stage at Carnegie Hall, Dunfermline will be on 12–14 February 2026 in a sparkling production of Patience.

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