DGASS at 50

The Pirates of Penzance is our 50th anniversary production, but delayed by two years. We should have been performing the show in 2021, but we all know what put a stop to that after our last show here, HMS Pinafore, in February 2020!

During the overture you will have seen a presentation of the many shows we have performed at the Carnegie Hall since 1971. We are greatly indebted to Val McManus for her work in compiling the images used in the slides and you may wish to take a closer look at the nostalgic photographs, posters and memories that she has used, and spend time reminiscing at leisure on our past 50 years of work.


Next appearance

Your next chance to see the Society on stage at Carnegie Hall, Dunfermline will be on 12–14 February 2026 in a sparkling production of Patience.

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