Dress rehearsal photos!
Published 24 February 2016
- When maiden loves, she sits and sighs
- 'Tis but a foolish sigh …
- You're a cruel monster to speak so unfeelingly …
- Tower warders, under orders
- In the autumn of our life
- … all the heat of bygone noon
- Still would face the foreign foe
- Brave in bearing, foemen scaring
- At his bidding it arose, in its panoply of stone
- Tho' a queen to save her head should come a-suing
- It tells of duty done and duty doing
- I keep my silent watch and ward
- Ours are not the hearts that quail
- My old friend, we meet but sadly
- We are soldiers, and we know how to die
- Man is well done with it
- I am ready, good fellows
- Here's a man of jollity!
- Banish your timidity …
- Give us quip and quiddity
- We are merry folk …
- … who would make all as merry as ourselves
- The song of a merrymaid peerly proud
- Heigh-dy! Heigh-dy!
- A kiss for that, pretty maid!
- You two, eh? Are ye man and wife?
- The wife of a man I have never seen?
- Look you! I am concerned in this!
- Wilfred binds Elsie's eyes with a kerchief …
- 'Tis done! I am a bride!
- There is a wealth of love within this little heart
- With a long, long evening before us …
- Lord, how she woo'd me!
- Thou runnest a grave risk for me
- Put a bold face on it, for here they come
- Oh, Sergeant Meryll, is it true?
- Here's a warrant for your execution!
- Thou whose smile has shone so many a captive heart upon
- Today the very worthiest falls …
- By my troth, the news is fair
- Thy life shall forfeit be instead!
- Who could have help'd him to escape?
- I've no idea at all — have you?
- Enchantment must have been at work …
- Oh, woe is me, I rather think!
- Is not the world a big butt of humour?
- When there's nothing else to do, I laugh at myself …
- A private buffoon is a light-hearted loon
- Tell a tale of cock and bull
- Strange adventure! Maiden wedded to a groom she'd never seen
- Though but sixteen year she carry …
- It is purely a matter of skill
- A glance may be timid or free
- He must study the knack
- 'Tis said that joy in full perfection comes only once
- Some lurking bitter we may find
- This is my joyday unalloyed
- Recall those words – it cannot be!
- All thought of Leonard Meryll set aside
- Thine heart will yield to pity's call
- Mine is a heart of massive rock
- Leonard my loved one – come to me
- Would I had died!
- Sir, I obey, I am thy bride
- With happiness my soul is cloyed
- This is our joyday unalloyed
- This is their joyday …
- Oh thoughtless crew! Ye know not what ye do!
- For I have a song to sing, O!
- It is sung to the moon by a love-lorn loon
- Whose soul was sad, and whose glance was glum
- Who sipped no sup, and who craved no crumb
- As he sighed for the love of a ladye.
- Misery me, lack-a-day-dee!
- Who dropped a tear at the moan of the merryman
- As he sighed …
- Heigh-dy!
Grateful thanks to Mike for taking these pictures in the middle of a very hectic time for the stage crew. Pressing duties behind the scenes, like firing the arquebus, mean that some key moments are unrecorded, but these images give a real flavour of our performance. The captions are your webmaster’s best shot at what was being said or sung at the time, but do feel free to suggest improvements!