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Linda introduces “The Jury’s Out”

You can register your interest by emailing Ellen.

Our next show …

Once upon a time there was a girl called Sally and a boy named Richard. They grew up as children together and became childhood sweethearts. Sally liked to help and watch her granny bake whilst Richard enjoyed playing with boats and anything nautical.

Did Richard follow his  career path and go to sea?

What did Sally do with granny’s cookery book?

Can you mend a broken heart?

What happened that they ended up in court?

The Jury’s Out is a new work created by Linda D Milne with music arranged by William Campbell.  It includes much-loved chorus numbers from The Sorcerer, HMS Pinafore, The Gondoliers, The Mikado and ending with Trial by Jury.

Don’t miss out on joining us on the Carnegie Hall stage for the première of this new show, which is on 13–15 February 2025. We look forward to seeing you when we start back on Wednesday 28 August, even if you can’t make it to the the workshop at Limekilns on the afternoon of Sunday 19 May, when all will be revealed!

What NODA thought …

Susan Kennedy, Regional Representative for District SC10, attended our Saturday matinée and reported on behalf of NODA:

As my first visit to Dunfermline to review a show this proved to be an enjoyable experience.

Although G&S this show had a modern feel and setting. The concept of a village hall and its users along with a group of dancers made it pertinent to today. Do you believe in Fairies? I certainly do! Combined with dialogue adapted to events of the time and modern dress the whole worked well. This is a funny story and was played with an emphasis on humour. Although dialogue and setting were adapted the music and singing were pure G&S.

I felt that the singing was of an excellent standard. All the principals were strong with many exceptional solos, duets and trios all performed within character. The chorus certainly handled the harmonies with style and complemented the principals. Well done to all, the band and your musical director, Eddie.

The group of dancers added a new dimension and were cleverly used more than once in Act 1. This was a clever production, carefully thought out to maximise impact without complicated set changes and furniture shifting with costume changes on stage. Well done Michael.

The experience was completed by the front of house staff set up as the W.I. of Thanolie selling raffle tickets and home-made goodies.

Thank you all for your hospitality.



Next appearance

Your next chance to see the Society on stage at Carnegie Hall, Dunfermline will be on 13–15 February 2025 for the première run of The Jury’s Out.

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