Music and Movement

A very few of our older members will remember Music and Movement, a BBC schools radio series that (I’m reliably informed) ran for 35 years until 1969. As it says elsewhere “an important aspect of the primary school curriculum was exercise and coordination”. What is true for wee ones is just as true for those of maturer years who want to give of our best for the forthcoming show!

So that we can better link Music with Movement, Rae’s plan is to start on the floor earlier in the season than has been our practice, and to rehearse music and actions together. The starting date for this is Wednesday 15 September, when we will start work on the Opening Chorus of Act 1. If you can learn the words by then, so much the better. And don’t forget to continue to “search throughout the panorama” for anyone who might be persauded to join our ranks for some weekly G&S fun.


Next appearance

Your next chance to see the Society on stage at Carnegie Hall, Dunfermline will be on 12–14 February 2026 in a sparkling production of Patience.

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