Our next show

Our next production will be The Pirates of Penzance, running at the Carnegie Hall, Dunfermline from 17–19 February 2023.

For our delayed anniversary show we welcome Rae Lamond (left) to take charge of our production. Rae directed Ruddigore in 2017 and Mikado in 2018 … after that memorable Titipu experience, in which Ko-ko and Katisha swapped genders, we wonder what Rae will have up her sleeve!

We’re also very pleased that our Musical Director for the show will once more be in the capable hands of Eddie MacLennan (right).

Given the ongoing and uncertain COVID-19 situation, we’re not able to meet in person, and it’s likely that we won’t be able to commence music rehearsals as usual in August. However, we still plan to perform The Pirates of Penzance in front of a live audience in February 2022, and the practicalities of how we prepare for that are being worked out.

Meantime, bearing in mind that we’ll need a full complement of ‘Major-General Stanley’s female relations’, plus a double chorus of pirates and policemen, we look forward to hearing from any locked-in G&S aficionados who would like to take part. You can make a start by signing up to sing in our concert version of The Mikado that is being prepared for 16 June. As with the recent panto, music will be pre-recorded by members, and you can sing along muted to the end result. For more information, drop an email to Ellen (ellen@dgass.org.uk).

Next appearance

Your next chance to see the Society on stage at Carnegie Hall, Dunfermline will be on 12–14 February 2026 in a sparkling production of Patience.

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