Rehearsal aids for the ladies!

Eddie has produced some rehearsal aids for the ladies numbers in Act 2 so that you can “sail over life’s treacherous sea” with improved accuracy!

Act 2 No. 2 “Happily coupled are we” – 1st soprano vocal line

Act 2 No. 2 “Happily coupled are we” – 2nd soprano vocal line

Act 2 No. 2 “Happily coupled are we” – alto vocal line

Act 2 No. 3 “In bygone days” – 1st soprano vocal line

Act 2 No. 3 “In bygone days” – 2nd soprano vocal line

Act 2 No. 3 “In bygone days” – altoo vocal line

Next appearance

Your next chance to see the Society on stage at Carnegie Hall, Dunfermline will be on 12–14 February 2026 in a sparkling production of Patience.

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