September concerts
Although we weren’t rehearsing for a show, Wednesdays continued to be G&S evenings until the end of May, and many of our members enjoyed meeting at Limekilns to prepare a selection of music for your delight. In a programme devised by Willie Campbell, you will hear excerpts from no fewer than eleven of the operas at two concerts:
7.30pm on Friday 15 September at the St Andrew’s Erskine Parish Church (Robertson Road, Dunfermline KY12 0BF)
7.30pm on Saturday 16 September at Limekilns Parish Church (8 Church St, Limekilns, Dunfermline KY11 3HT)
Concerts give an opportunity for both members and former members to take part, so you’ll get a chance to hear old friends and the broadest possible selection of talent singing music from what we are sure will include your favourite shows.
Tickets are £12 from members, from Anne Dolbear (07703 483083) or on the door.