Summer concert dates

The summer concerts will be at 7.30pm on Friday 20 and Saturday 21 September, both in the Dunfermline area … venues are being confirmed.

DGASS would love to have as many members/former and potential members as possible taking part. Even if you are not available, pass the message on. Lifts are available from Ferrytoll/Inverkeithing.

We are going to follow a similar rehearsal pattern to last year’s, rehearsing on most Wednesdays till the school holidays.  We’ll top up on Sunday afternoons after we start back on 28 August (keeping Wednesdays for the main show rehearsals), but we shall use Wednesday 18 September as a concert rehearsal.

The first rehearsal will be at 7.30pm on Wednesday 24 April at Limekilns Parish Church (probably in the hall behind the Church, rather than the Church itself).

The programme will include songs from musicals – a list of music that is in the mix for performing (not yet set in stone) is below. Many of you have the sheet music at home from previous DGASS concerts, so please bring it on 24 April, or let Ellen know if you don’t have the music.

Selections from:

  1. My Fair Lady
  2. Show Boat
  3. Cats (including Memory)
  4. Oliver


  1. Be Our Guest (Beauty and the Beast)
  2. I Believe/Ave Maria
  3. Anthem from Chess
  4. Grand Night for Singing (State Fair); It Might as Well be Spring (State Fair)
  5. Seasons of Love (Rent)

Next appearance

Your next chance to see the Society on stage at Carnegie Hall, Dunfermline will be on 12–14 February 2026 in a sparkling production of Patience.

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