Thank you, team

Thank you to everyone who came to the show, and everyone who took part or helped in any way, but very special thanks to Rae for her energy and enthusiasm, for her commitment to making this a show to remember (if only for those b****y blocks!), for bringing along all those members of Cat-Like Tread to reduce the average age of those on stage, and for her inspired ‘tweak’ in casting Robin as Katisha and Susanne as Ko-Ko. Everyone enjoyed the show … even the traditionalists.

And hearty congratulations to our role-swapping pair who produced amazing performances. Apart from successfully overcoming the challenge of singing in a register different from the one Sir Arthur intended, they must have put in many hours learning a different set of really quite complicated lines. And they seemed so convincing: Robin was Katisha, and not Robin in drag; in wearing the George Grossmith trousers, Susanne added amazing energy and supple movement. Mikado will never seem the same again!

Next appearance

Your next chance to see the Society on stage at Carnegie Hall, Dunfermline will be on 13–15 February 2025 for the première run of The Jury’s Out.

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