Worth braving the storms …

… to see our HMS Pinafore team in action at Dunfermline’s Carnegie Hall. Rae put it well on Facebook when she said: “Loved the show last night! What a well-drilled crew and Porter family. Everyone was clearly having a ball, and that’s what I like to see.”

Your webmaster was also in the audience for the first performance of the Society’s latest production and was very impressed. Some fine singing, excellent characterisation, and a truly amazing number of moves for everyone in the chorus numbers – he was told later that one of the apparently simpler numbers had 60 moves – but, above all, great fun on stage, which came over very clearly to the audience.

We’re deliberately not showing any pictures of the set (appropriately nautical, and with some challenging changes in level, just like a real ship of the line), or the costumes (excellent to look at and, for the crew at least, claimed to be surprisingly comfortable), because we want to encourage you to ignore the present inclement weather, and head to Portsmouth harbour, where you will enjoy some splendid entertainment!

Next appearance

Your next chance to see the Society on stage at Carnegie Hall, Dunfermline will be on 12–14 February 2026 in a sparkling production of Patience.

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