Zoom Mikado on 16 June
Our Zoom performance of The Mikado is at 7:30pm on 16 June. Please log on at least five minutes before the show starts – the waiting room will open up shortly after 7:00pm. If you haven’t yet received log-on information, drop an email to our hard-working Administrator, Ellen Patrick, at ellen@dgass.org.uk.
As with the panto, music has been pre-recorded by members – plus a wide a variety of friends from near and far – and you can sing along (muted) to the end result of work by a cast of nearly 50. See if you can spot your friends in the rolling credits in the slideshow above. [As with all such sliders, just hover your cursor over the image to stop it moving]
Remember … this is a one-off, and “such an opportunity will not occur again”!