Hear us carolling!
The carol concert at Clermiston planned for tonight has been called off because of the Forth Road Bridge closure. Not the kind of thing we normally do, but the alternatives are not realistic.
However, you can hear the same concert at 7:30pm tomorrow (Saturday 5 December) at the Catholic Church of The Holy Name, Station Road, Oakley. Set your satnav to KY12 9NW, part with £6 at the door, and enjoy the music!
By Saturday 19 December you should be in Christmas mood, so do come to a slightly-extended version of the concert at St Margaret’s Memorial RC Church in East Port, Dunfermline. The concert starts at 7:30pm, but we suggest coming early to get a good seat. Tickets £6 will be available at the door.
If you can’t wait that long, come to the Tesco store at Duloch on Saturday 12 December, where we’re singing carols at the entrance from 11.00am, with three sessions of just under an hour each. Proceeds from that will be going to Whitefield as usual.