Our next show

Our next production will be The Mikado, running at the Carnegie Hall, Dunfermline from 22–24 February 2018.

rae_lamondeddie_maclennan After her innovative and very successful production of Ruddigore, we looked forward to seeing what our very own Rae Lamond (left) would make of the challenge of tackling what is indisputably the best-loved Gilbert and Sullivan opera of all time, and one that has seen some remarkable adaptations over the years since the copyright lapsed in 1961. We’re also pleased that the musical side of the production will once more be in the capable hands of Eddie MacLennan (Musical Director – right).

Music rehearsals started in August, and we’ve now started blocking the Act One finale. It’s great fun trying to keep up with Rae’s ideas, with many of us working outside our comfort zone. So, will this be Dunfermline’s take on Jonathan Miller’s 1986 staging in black and white (Pars colours!)? You’ll have to wait and see … the cast are sworn to secrecy!



Next appearance

Your next chance to see the Society on stage at Carnegie Hall, Dunfermline will be on 13–15 February 2025 for the première run of The Jury’s Out.

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