Our next show

Our next production will be The Sorcerer, running at the Carnegie Hall, Dunfermline from 21–23 February 2019.


This year we welcome Fiona Main (left) to take charge of our production. Fiona was one of our leading ladies before moving to our friends in the Edinburgh G&S Society, for whom she sang many of the lead soprano roles. Fiona is currently director of Threepenny Theatricals. More about Fiona at this link.

We’re also very pleased that the musical side of the production will once more be in the capable hands of Eddie MacLennan (Musical Director – right), fresh from his efforts in the Edinburgh Fringe!

Fiona can’t wait to get started on a (slightly) updated version of one of her favourite Gilbert and Sullivan operas, adding some Gatsby-esque glamour to the proceedings. Let’s just say that the village ‘tea party’ may be more ‘prohibition’ than Presbyterian! The Sorcerer is generally seen as one of the smaller-scale G&S operas but if that is true then it is also perfectly formed, with all the elements of wonderful characters, great comedy and beautiful music we expect from the famous duo. One thing Fiona can guarantee – it will be a magical evening’s entertainment!


Next appearance

Your next chance to see the Society on stage at Carnegie Hall, Dunfermline will be on 13–15 February 2025 for the première run of The Jury’s Out.

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