Our trip to Titipu was a success!


The images above were taken from the Backstage feed of our Zoom performance of The Mikado on 16 June. They tell the story of an excellent show, from early doors to final curtain. There are 97 slides which take around 5 minutes to play, but you can stop at any point by hovering over the image, or select the image you want to look at from the filmstrip below the caption line.

As you’ll see from the chat extracts below, everyone enjoyed themselves. There were a few technical glitches – thanks to Joy for reading in when Backstage (Helen) sent the direct message to Ko-Ko (Robin) “Katisha has gone offline!” – but otherwise the evening went smoothly. Thanks to Robin, Willie and Martin for making the production possible artistically, musically and technically.

Lucy and Ed: congratulations to all, really fun and such a great way to sing “together.” A joyous shout indeed!!

KatyW: Absolutely fabulous! And no covid tests needed to travel to Titipu! Huge well done to everyone!

ElspethW: that was a great evenings entertainment. well done all

Susan: Thank you for a great show – such fun to sing along, and you all obviously were enjoying yourselves so much.

GillR: Extraordinary! What an incredible, achievement and fun evening! Thank you so much everyone for bringing huge smiles to our faces!!

Next appearance

Your next chance to see the Society on stage at Carnegie Hall, Dunfermline will be on 12–14 February 2026 in a sparkling production of Patience.

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