Patience ’68

This time of year always provides a feast for the G&S enthusiast, and our friends at Kirkcaldy G&S Society are presenting Patience at the Adam Smith Theatre, Kirkcaldy from 7–9 March at 7:30pm (plus a Saturday matinée).

The interpretation has been time-shifted, so that Gilbert’s rival poets vie for the affection of the ladies as they might have done in that  ‘Summer of Love’ in 1968.

Robin Ożóg directs and also stars as Colonel Calverley, John Allen is lighting the show, and you’ll spot a number of DGASS members in the chorus. The show begins with G&S TV’s Reporter setting the scene for a festival weekend of song lyric writing and … well, come and see what transpires, wearing your old hippy gear if you wish.  Click the image for ticket ordering details.

Next appearance

Your next chance to see the Society on stage at Carnegie Hall, Dunfermline will be on 12–14 February 2026 in a sparkling production of Patience.

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