Well done, everybody!

mp160227_183435chsIt was a great show, and one all the cast will remember for a long time. The Saturday matinée was especially memorable for six of our members, because after the performance they were presented with NODA long-service awards by Dorothy Johnstone, the Regional Rep for District 6.

From left to right (stage right to stage left!), the award winners were:

Marion Kelly 25 year Long Service Medal
Jennifer Williams 20 year badge
George Alexander 20 year badge
Michael Reay 10 year badge
Anne Dolbear 20 year badge
Val McManus 15 year badge

Well done to everybody, and thank you to Mike Pendlowski, our NODA rep as well as Stage Manager, for organising the presentation, and keeping quiet about it – not even our Chairman knew what was about to happen until he was called forward for his badge!

Next appearance

Your next chance to see the Society on stage at Carnegie Hall, Dunfermline will be on 13–15 February 2025 for the première run of The Jury’s Out.

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