Meet the stars!

When our website was first launched in 2006, present and former principals were asked to submit photographs and biographies, which were updated from time to time, and rather spasmodically. For the launch of our redesigned website, for the most recent casts we have replaced the originals with the biographies and photographs that were printed in the latest programmes. You can tell the difference by the fact that the photograph is larger, and the date of the programme is given at the bottom. In order to introduce new talent, we have also started including details of any new folk cast as principals in the current show.

Just click on the names below to read the biographies, which should open in a new tab.

If you were once a principal with the Society, feel free to submit a request to join our stars! All we need is a reasonably short biography, a list of the dates/shows in which you participated (and your character name), and of course a portrait, which can be either current or suitably vintage.

Next appearance

Your next chance to see the Society on stage at Carnegie Hall, Dunfermline will be on 13–15 February 2025 for the première run of The Jury’s Out.

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